About Amira

As Head of Product Design at Loyal Health, I led a capable team of 14 designers I built from the ground up. We work together to empower patients throughout their healthcare journey and partner with hospitals to unify their enterprise. Working at an early stage startup has given me the opportunity to create the fundamental building blocks of a design function from scratch.

Before Loyal, I worked at ThoughtWorks as a lead product design consultant. I created services, launched products, and implemented new ways of working for corporations worldwide. One such project was Bahmni, an open-source EMR built in India and used in over 50 countries.

Outside of work, I dedicate my time to supporting global public health. I was chosen to be a member of the Global Health Corps. With them, I worked in Ruli, Rwanda, on a point-of-care digital health record with local nurses.

I have a master’s in Design and Technology from Parsons The New School, a bachelor's degree in Science, Technology, and Culture from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and I received a Global Health Certificate from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Let’s Talk

I enjoy grabbing coffee in person and virtually. Message me at apettus3 [at] gmail [dot] com or on LinkedIn.

